Catch a good mood with Yoga

November 1, 2010

Scientists have talked about good moods being contagious. People who indulge in a hobby enjoy improved moods. Pursuing a passion creates a constantly changing experience which helps to prolong happiness. Grab your mat and feel happy.

Yoga reduces stress and helps relieve back pain

October 12, 2010

Because yoga has specific postures and deep abdominal breathing it relaxes the body. Scientists found that yoga can be used to even help control panic attacks. Since yoga is also a weight bearing exercise it improves muscle tone and builds bone. This helps alleviate back pain and helps make the spine stronger.

Yoga is Good for Your Heart

October 2, 2010

Help keep heart disease away.   A Yale University study found that women who practice Yoga three times a week enjoy 3 great benefits from their practice.

  • Lower blood pressure
  • Increased oxygen intake
  • Improved circulation

Three great reasons to incorporate Yoga into your week.  Start off small with once per week and as you feel the benefits work your way up!

Yoga helps keep your hair healthy

September 13, 2010

We know practicing yoga is great for your body and mind but is also great for your hair.  Practicing yoga lets you enjoy shinier, thicker hair as well. Many yoga poses help send nourishing oxygen rich blood to your scalp. This helps your hair stay thick and luxurious as you get older.

Enjoy a Smaller Silouette by Stretching

August 31, 2010

In studies it was found that starting at age 40, in women, our bellies start to expand even if we don’t change our diet or exercise. Doing just 30 minutes of simple yoga stretches a day can halt “middle age spread”.
In a study done by the University of Washington it was found that regular yoga practice is associated with “mindful eating” in which you naturally savor every mouthful instead of eating quickly. People who eat mindfully are proven to be less likely to overindulge or experience in between-meal cravings.
Another good reason to practice every day!

Sharpen your thinking with Meditation

August 13, 2010

A study has shown that by meditating regularly you can increase your frontal cortex. When the frontal cortex size increases it allows you to pay attention for longer periods of time.  The study also showed that parts of the cerebral cortex becomes thicker in those who meditate which means that your thoughts and emotions are more in tune. This is further proof of the studies that show meditation boosts happiness.  For an easy and quick meditation exercise follow these directions. Set a timer for 5 minutes, close your eyes and think of nothing but what you hear. If you notice your mind wandering, bring your focus back to the individual noises. Every day add an extra minute until you reach a total of 15 minutes. Practice makes perfect and the more you meditate the easier it will become to relax.

Beat Summer Stress

August 3, 2010

Studies done at MIT have found that eating high-carb foods like pasta is a top way to raise your brain’s level of the hormone seritonin, which is a calming hormone. Another ingredient to add to your diet is spinach. Studies have found that stress leaches magnesium from your body and leads to muscle tightness and tension. Spinach contains a lot of magnesium and helps restore the proper levels. Enjoy!

Do More and Stress Less

July 25, 2010

If you feel overworked and under rewarded you are not alone!  With all the pressures in today’s world and being “plugged” in all the time it increases our stress levels and makes us less productive.  New research has made it easier to take charge and start feeling more movitvated, productive, and relaxed by setting yourself up to do less.  By slowing down and allowing yourself to think it prevents mistakes and actually helps you acomplish more.  In addition, take some time to relax with your yoga practice and meditate into some down time.  Slowing down and performing several relaxing yoga poses will lower the stree hormone cortisol.

Stop Cravings with Yoga

July 15, 2010

A study has found that people who did yoga were more likely to be mindful eaters, possibly because the workout foster’s a mind-body connection that helps you know when you are full. There are other studies that link vigorous exercise to lower levels of ghrelin, which is the hormone that stimulates your appetite. Next time you get a craving pop into a Yoga class or a DVD to hit the spot.

Dedicate your Practice to You

July 6, 2010

Sometimes when you are bored or you’re feeling that your practice has reached a plateau, it’s because you’re driven to get a certain pose that’s out of reach.  It can be helpful to dedicate your practice to feeling grateful for the pose that your body already can do, or appreciating your breath during your yoga practice.  Feel gratitude for how things are and then expand your foucs outward.